
Sunday, October 10, 2010

News and a Poem

While the tension grows over the results of Quinton's contest I thought I'd post an update.


I've been working diligently on my book, Shattered Lies, and my work has produced about 40 pages so far, which isn't so bad for a little over a month of juggling school and a story.
Although, I'm not going to be posting any more excerpts from Shattered Lies online, expect to see the opening scene of My Obsession With Fire, my other work in progress, posted within the next few weeks.

As anyone who knows me personally is well aware of, I'm an avid user of Facebook. Because of this, I only thought it fitting to create a fan page on Facebook for this blog titled Life In Fiction (obviously). Between posts on here, I will be managing the page and the discussion board--which already has its first random topic ("Who's your favorite author?"). So, for anyone who is Facebook savvy and enjoy reading this blog, feel free to click the "like" button and contribute to the page.

That's all for my update, so here's a poem of mine, enjoy!

"At a Loss"

I've failed to win.
I've failed to lose.
What the hell am I doing?
I have no clue.

I'm just another depressed boy.
You'll find me down the street.
I'll be wallowing in my own pity.
With my heart at your feet.

Everything seems so jumbled,
And life seems like a mistake,
But I must keep going.
I have no reason to die for only death's sake.


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